Friday, September 05, 2008

Happy cloud taking away.
June holiday is really the last chance to mug hard. Everything just feel so different with 'A' s round the corner. I get really afraid whenever I start to think of the "less than two pages" essay I wrote. I'm disappointed with myself but more than that I fear the consequences. Seriously, I'm going to get it. Blame it on me for not getting myself 200 percent prepared for it and get distracted by even the smallest thing that was going on around me. Just got to keep telling myself to look on the bright side and learn from the mistakes I made.
I really appreciate the birthday card even with those weird greetings by some. "Thanks lots" Chikopuh, for smearing the yummylicious chocolate creampuff on my cheeks instead stuffing it into my mouth while I'm trying to play that freaking game of Reversi. Thanks for all the heart warming stuff mixed the cold B&J ice cream... FAT. FAT. FATS.

I'm really blessed.