Friday, March 07, 2008

Points ABCD

The past few weeks had really stretched me, juggling between play and work. In fact more work than play. I realised that I hardly have the time to even practice for my drums for the week. Repeating the same rhythms and beats that I should have grasped before I even enter the studio. Make up lessons are accumulating. Thankfully, the time table is going to change (hopefully for the better) and March holidays are here for me to reflect and catch up with my screwed up J1 and some J2 work.

I remember how much the teachers have emphasised on the word "Consistency" but wrong choices and blurred goals have set me walking on a wrong path. Fortunately, many things happened and the people around me have changed me. Comparing my results for some subjects, I know that hard work really makes a significant difference in grades. I just got to plan ahead and there is still time for miracles to happen. (Please tell me there is)

Thanks to my great friends for cheering me up. I know that I did my best and nearly reach my target. That's somewhat a good start for me. Learning from other people mistakes and seeking growth continually definitely helps. Some people just don't realise what an impact they have on our lives with the stories they share.

Grateful stones.
Posted by Gab at 5:11 PM |  


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