Friday, March 10, 2006
Last day of school
Finally comes the school holidays! I can spent time catching up with my work and watch movies! Talking about movies, I'd watched Big Momma's House 2, together with Sheryl and HuiHui. We were released after recess. We met up and bought the tickets. I heard the real 20th century sound. Kinda of soft though. I was laughing my ass off at all those lame craps. "That's my jam!" Little Andrew is so cute! He's so lovable even though he eats sponge and sand.

I met one of my primary schoolmate, Hui Ting at TLC. I got the news that Pandan Pri is merging with Fuhua Pri. I hope that it wouldn't happen. Pandan is such a nice place. Opposite the reservoir, nice view, nearer to my house.(Easier to visit my Pri school teachers)... The tuition classes are going way too fast and I couldn't catch up with them. The class were full of maths pro or should I say I'm lousy. My sec 3 work sucks and if you ask me anything on math, I can hardly tell you what I learnt that year. I should had go for the tuition when I was sec 3. T_T Got to work hard now. I guess I will revise all my work before every session.
I got my progress report today. Everything sucks except my E math. I'm not satisfied with the rest of the result. I should had drop the pure sciences but it's all to late now. No amendments should be made unless I pay. Lots of thing happen this week which changed my life forever... The holiday is a break for me. Oh ya, I got to choose the matches that I can go. 4 out of 9.
The barbecue tomorrow is going to be crowded. Have you ever seen 40 + people barbecuing food? Hmm... I can imagine how crowded it will be. I'm going to cycle tomorrow. It's been 3 months since I last ride the bike. Hehe...

I met one of my primary schoolmate, Hui Ting at TLC. I got the news that Pandan Pri is merging with Fuhua Pri. I hope that it wouldn't happen. Pandan is such a nice place. Opposite the reservoir, nice view, nearer to my house.(Easier to visit my Pri school teachers)... The tuition classes are going way too fast and I couldn't catch up with them. The class were full of maths pro or should I say I'm lousy. My sec 3 work sucks and if you ask me anything on math, I can hardly tell you what I learnt that year. I should had go for the tuition when I was sec 3. T_T Got to work hard now. I guess I will revise all my work before every session.
I got my progress report today. Everything sucks except my E math. I'm not satisfied with the rest of the result. I should had drop the pure sciences but it's all to late now. No amendments should be made unless I pay. Lots of thing happen this week which changed my life forever... The holiday is a break for me. Oh ya, I got to choose the matches that I can go. 4 out of 9.
The barbecue tomorrow is going to be crowded. Have you ever seen 40 + people barbecuing food? Hmm... I can imagine how crowded it will be. I'm going to cycle tomorrow. It's been 3 months since I last ride the bike. Hehe...