Thursday, February 22, 2007

GW 8688J

That was the van's plate number. The van that carried the dead man's body, in a casket. The dead man was uncle, in other words, my father's brother.

This time, it was totally different. It was a christian ceremony, whereby they talk all about Jesus Christ, heaven, flowers, grass and then amen. It's kinda of like something new to me. I used to go to chinese funerals where there are a lot of chantings, joss sticks and procedures. The christian way was really simple and fast. I remembered that I'd watched a music video, Helena by My Chemical Romance. It's about the same where their loved ones place their hands on the back of van. Tears and more tears.

So, we went to the Mandai Crematorium & Columbarium and into Service Hall 2. As we went up the escalator, my Uncle commented (my sis told me that) that it's as if we are using the staircase to heaven, like the ones in Tom & Jerry.

The room have really high ceiling, wooden floor and walls. Rows and rows of seats and some mics. We sang 3 songs with two guitarists and then more words from the vicar and a translator which is redundant. (The vicar spoke in english). I had goosebumps. Then, each of us supposed to place a white chrysanthemum on the body. I was so close to my Uncle and he looks like a wax man to me.

Then we went to the Viewing Hall 2. Then, someone farted. My bro and I was looking at each other and giggled silently. I really want to burst out laughing but I can't. It wasn't the right time and containing the laughter inside of me is a really painful experience. I bear with it all the way and started laughing in one of the cubicle in the toilet. Damn. I hate that feeling. I share it with my sis but she said she didn't hear anything but my Uncle did. What an ironic chinese new year.

My father dropped me off at the Jurong Regional Library and I borrowed some books by Sir Conan Doyle (it was recommend by Christopher Francis Boone written by Mark Haddon) and some UFOs books.

Back to work, a new malay girl came two days ago to substitute Rosalind while she was in Thailand enjoying. So many people asked me that. "Where's your friend?", "Why you didn't go?" The Docker's one was really funny yesterday. Started to talk with the malay girl. I forgot her name. I think is Fadiah. Anyway, she and her friend are both funny.

So much for today. Bye.
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