Sunday, July 10, 2005
*New born baby

A pic of KaiXuan
Today,I went to my cousin's house...although he is my cousin but he is already 20+ liao..he is married and tada!!...a new born BABY!!! ...She is so cute!A month from when she was borned now and we celebrated together with lots and lots of food!!The buffet is quite nice and the relatives there are really friendly and funny...Back to the main point..the baby girl...actually i cannot really tell..she is really very small...i only knew that she is a girl because she wears pink and many of them say that she is a cute girl...many of us did not dare to carry her..afraid that we might hurt her...haha...especially the tall guys...too much big muscles..haha...the baby girl is called kai xuan (sound like a basketball team to me -_-") always cute...
We gathered around and started crapping ...of course with the cousins about my age generation gap...haha...there are a lot of aunties and uncles...some playing majong and some drinking beer and chatting...we hid in the kitchen and chat(the teenage world)..haha...then cousin Ozbee came in and tried to move the can(with fire U_0 hot!!!)and he accidentally tilt the can and the table cloth started burning!!!We are so shocked and the adults came in to rescue us...started burning really furiously...surface area of about the size of a table in our classroom...actually it started out quite small but with water added to it,it spread out was so nice...really nice and I stood there heart was thumping although i was enjoying it...I also don't know why..but it was really nice watching it!!haha...i siao already....
After that, my brother and I went home early because we were missing our computer so much...haha...enjoying myself alot!!!
Three Cheers for KaiXuan!!!