Thursday, July 13, 2006


I'm here to blog.

I was feeling unwell yesterday and MS called mum to bring me home. (I did the speaking) I told mum a few days ago that my floaters were increasing at a incredible rate. I had goose bumps all over me when I saw them. We went to Pandan to see a doctor but later, mum changed her mind and decided to bring me to the emergency ward to see an eye-care specialist. (It wasn't emergency at all) I saw a guy who just had a motorcycle accident and a boy about my age in a wheelchair. Mum paid about 70 bucks to let them examine my eye. We waited effing long. From about 1 pm, we waited for about 4 hours plus and finally I went into a dark room. It wasn't really very dark it was just a little dim.

Then, a lady checked my eye for me. She used an Ophthalmoscope but she can't see nothing. Then she uses a Slit lamp but she said my pupils weren't big enough. "Your pupils are not big enough, I need to dilate it." I thought she's like going to use surgery instrument to force my pupils to enlarge. I'm like so stunned but it was actually dripping something like eye drops into the eyes which will cause the pupils to dilate and it will cause a blur vision for the next couple of hours. LOL, I'm so silly.

I had to wait for another 30 mins for my pupils to be dilated. Then, mum and I went to buy some food. I was eating a char siew bao in the clinic and mum ate the soon gui. So many people were looking at us as if we are aliens. What's wrong la. Hungry right. See, see, see. ^%^%^$t^#@$@ Anyway, a male doctor checked me. He's much better as he gave me clear directions of what to do and was very friendly. He said I was fine, everyone has floaters including him and it was because I'm myopic. Later, the lady called me in again because she thinks that I have retina detachment. (Waa, gave me a bad scare) I was the last one in the whole clinic and about 3 to 4 doctors and nurses were observing me. I was alright but had to return for another appointment.

I didn't really believe them. My floaters are getting worst and I'm so afraid that I couldn't ever see again when I wake up in the morning. I don't want to be blind!

I was so sick and I didn't study for the Chemistry test. I sabotaged Sheryl. Hehe. Anyway, my voice was really deep and many say "Oi, your voice very sexy!" Lala. Whatever.

Took 198 with Sheryl, Debbie, Sylvia and Sze yee. They are all mad.
Posted by Gab at 8:29 PM | 0 comments  
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