Thursday, April 26, 2007


I just had some of the 1 kg of chocolate my brother brought home. So chocolatey man! I had to use physics Pressure= Force/Area to break it up nicely. How scientific.

Today was the deadline for the submission of Project Work. A few hours before twelve, my CT was talking about how to write a good PI... I'm like what!!! Don't tell me anything, it will make my PI looks bad. Whatever. It's over and the GPP begins. I still remember what happened last week. The class was dicussing whether we can put a picture in our PI and the teacher said no, because a picture speaks a thousand words and it will be way over the word limit. How funny. In the end, we were allowed to put a tiny little picture but I didn't.

I was browsing Flickr just now and I saw Bob Lee the Jiuhukia. He was a photojournalist and he came to give a talk on photography yesterday. For the first time, I felt that a photographer can really be super rich. A contest's top prizes can be like 1000 bucks to like 15 000 bucks. Tsk tsk. More about the man, he can really take nice pictures and he is funny. He said things which turned out to be jokes but his opinions and ideas are really useful.

My whole body is still aching now after the hellish PC plus the inline skating. I hurt my tailbone. (I must remember to lower my CG before I brake.) Well, at least I learnt how to skate.

I'm half dead.

The worst thing is that there is PC tomorrow. Argh.
Slaughter me please.
Posted by Gab at 5:32 PM | 0 comments  
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