Saturday, December 17, 2005
Lost the list for the camp but I guess I know what to bring tomorrow. Just some stuff I need, newspaper, anime shirt. That's all! A rather short camp but I still need sleep. I can only last till 1 a.m. Anyway, I'd watched "Borrow My Crew" today with my sis on MTV. Totally awesome! Farnsworth Bentley was so funny. I like his umbrella and his dance steps. Basically, it's just about celebs lending their designers, personal staff and body guards. Manicure, pedicure, workout, makeover. Marisa was so lucky and gosh.. she looks gorgeous! From a so-so girl, she became a princess. Attended the ball and her friends were so surprised by her stunning outfit.

Hmmm...according to it was aired on May 29, 2005. Anyway, it was so cool. I had watched so much movies for the past few days, (Kung Fu Mahjong, MOB sisters, The Butterfly lovers) but the most unforgettable was still the movie watched at the chalet. What's more in the middle of the night. Those who had watched it with me should know what I mean -_-'"
9 days to Christmas...

Hmmm...according to it was aired on May 29, 2005. Anyway, it was so cool. I had watched so much movies for the past few days, (Kung Fu Mahjong, MOB sisters, The Butterfly lovers) but the most unforgettable was still the movie watched at the chalet. What's more in the middle of the night. Those who had watched it with me should know what I mean -_-'"
9 days to Christmas...