Tuesday, December 12, 2006

The esplanade is really cool, there are frames and frames of artist and groups that performed there before. I saw Jason Mraz's picture. Woohoo! I was tempted to steal it but I didn't of course. The concert was great and I was really high last night. Lol. It seems like a dream and it's really unbelievable. Thanks to Melody and Shimin for saying that it's a great performance. Hehe.
Anyway, I got to know this girl in the YHHB which is actually my junior in Pandan Primary. She is my friend's sister. No wonder I always find her a little familiar. Hmmm... I was bullied last night by the juniors. It's really okay because I was feeling exceptionally happy yesterday. Hehe.
Today's KFC, Old Chang Kee and sushi are vey tasty tasty! D.e.l.i.c.i.o.u.s.