Saturday, March 25, 2006

Fighting pests trying to save the crops

Harmonica practice today... I was still thinking of the song that our group composed. Not really composing, just changing the lyrics of the song. It was all in my head when I was playing the harmonica. Merely sounds... It's cool, I knew how to play some of the parts that I don't.

I think we are doing the project tonight as well. I reached home at 11.30 plus last night so I guess mum is a little pissed even though she didn't say it. I can tell from my 15 years of experience. Hmmm... it is the don't know how many times liao, it's a so called habit.

I going to have my haircut later or else Ms Lee will catch me again. My socks... my shirt... my hair... The only thing that is acceptable is my skirt. It's too long or shall I say that my legs are short? Anyway, it reminded me that I haven't done my DC yet.

I regretted! I should had taken combine science instead of pure. I wouldn't be suffering right now. T_T

Why is there ranking? Why don't they just grade according to the bands? It would be easier. Sian la, there's tuition tommorrow then harmonica performance... So tired! I hope I will not be late again on Monday.

I got my new octave!
Posted by Gab at 3:23 PM | 0 comments  
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