Friday, January 04, 2008

School holidays are like so short, I didn't even get enough of everything. Teachers are like everchanging and I don't really feel like taking another step to get to know them. Come what may. Just want A levels to be over soon and leave the school.

Tonight is JJ Night 2008. A freaking year passed. Finally, we have some juniors to be in school. Looking at them, it reminded me how pathetic I was in camp. It was so much fun but at that point in time, something was just missing. Have fun peeps.

Sing along session. The start of all emoness when people start to sniff and sob. It was too contagious and I decided to leave. By the way, there is a super cute boy there. Kawaii. Will update if possible. Thanks Jennifer for the superb chocolates from Australia.
The final mile.
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