Monday, July 09, 2007


Chinese 'A' levels oral examination is finally over!

Phew. What was different this year was that I saw a mouse running along the glass door and into the rubbish bin. Eeek! I swear that it is a darn mouse. What on earth is small sized, greyish black in colour, has a long tail and loves garbage? Moreover, I saw it running past thrice. First the cats, then the bats and now a mouse. It's a ZOO.

Do not feed the cat so that it can chase the mouse. Something like a food chain? Seriously, all these weird happenings in the school is kinda of cool. Back to the point; the chinese oral. I'm much more relax after chatting with my friends.

I must say that my conversation skills and techniques did not improve at all. I crapped with the examiners. I just couldn't help myself but turned the whole thing into a joke. At least I said something which makes sense at the start which made feel a little better. Anyway, it was the last time I ever gonna sit for a chinese oral examination. I feel good.

On the way home, walking along the rows of trees, I saw funny people doing funny things. That is what happened when they don't take physics.


I'm really guilty for skipping chemistry tutorial.
Posted by Gab at 5:27 PM |  


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